ANNANDALE, Va. — As you prepare to attend a home football game at Annandale High School, make sure to read some relevant information for that evening.

  • ALL students will be asked to show their ID or SIS account for entry into the game. 
  • No backpacks or other bags will be allowed in the stadium.  (Students and Adults)
  • No outside food or drinks are allowed. The concession stands will be open.
  • Students must plan to have their rides waiting for them at 9:30 pm.
  • The purpose for attending our football games is to watch the game, cheerleaders, band, and dance team.
  • We cheer for Annandale and not against our opponent. All cheers should be positive.
  • Students planning to attend a game need to leave campus upon school dismissal and return to cheer on the Atoms.
  • All students must pre-arrange for transportation and plan to leave immediately after the game.
  • Students are expected to be in the stands and not hanging out by the concession stand, bathrooms, or other areas; all elementary-aged children must always be supervised by an adult.
  • The stadium is now marked with RED and BLACK fence topping. Any section marked in RED means that you are NOT allowed to stand in that area. This is to help keep our athletes safe and the walkways in front of the bleachers clear.
  • Anyone who leaves may not re-enter, even with a ticket stub or pass.
  • Whistles and similar noisemakers are prohibited.

All elementary and middle school students need a parent/guardian to enter and need to be supervised by an adult while at the game.  Any elementary or middle school student in violation of this policy will have parents called immediately and are subject to being excluded from future extracurricular events and ticket money will not be refunded.


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